Experts predict a huge June launch and a high price for Switch 2 / 11h32

Experts predict a huge June launch and a high price for Switch 2

Speaking to Bloomberg, game industry analysts have predicted that the Nintendo Switch 2 will enjoy the biggest console launch ever, despite costing at least $399 and maybe as much as $499. Citing a group of analysts who regularly communicate with [Nintendo] and its software and hardware partners, Bloomberg said expectations within the industry and investment communities were sky-high for the launch of Nintendos new console. One analyst, Robin Zhu of Sanford C. Bernstein, said he expected the console to launch in June, which is consistent with other reports and with Polygons own reckoning, based on the rollout for the first Switch. Zhu said he expected Nintendo to have an astonishing 6 to 8 million Switch 2 units ready for the launch of the device. This tallies with earlier reports that Nintendo delayed the consoles launch into 2025 to build up stock, and Nintendos own comments that it planned to do everything it could to head off scalping and reselling at launch. Nevertheless, its an u...
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