What are the Lotus-Eater god rolls in Destiny 2

Polygon.com / 17h57

What are the Lotus-Eater god rolls in Destiny 2

The Lotus-Eater is the first Void rocket-assisted sidearm, and is one of the Nightfall weapons added in Destiny 2: Heresy. Its got so many incredible perk combos that it can be difficult to narrow down which one you should use your precious, limited vault space on. In this Destiny 2 guide, well walk you through how to get a Lotus-Eater, which perks can drop on it, and what we would consider the PvE god rolls to be for this weapon. How to get Lotus-Eater in Destiny 2 The Lotus-Eater is one of many rotating Nightfall weapons that you can get by completing a Nightfall in the week that its available. You can check what the weekly weapon is by visiting Commander Zavala in the Tower. Youll see the featured weapon at the top of his Focused Decoding menu, which will show the weapon that will drop from Nightfalls that week. Nightfall weapons have a much higher chance of dropping when you complete the Nightfall on higher difficulty levels. Grandmaster Nightfalls are guaranteed to drop one Adept...
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