How to unlock the Path of Ambition in Destiny 2 / 17h58

How to unlock the Path of Ambition in Destiny 2

The Path of Ambition is an entirely new reputation track in Destiny 2, one that can help you unlock the the Barrow-Dyad Exotics ultimate potential. Unfortunately, the path to unlock this feature is hidden inside the Dreadnaught, and youll need to locate a Taken Worm. Youll also need to have completed The Taken Path Exotic quest and the Derealize Exotic mission to unlock the Path of Ambition. In this Destiny 2 guide, well walk you through what the Path of Ambition is, how it impacts the Barrow-Dyad Exotic, and how to find and finish the Writ: Path of Ambition quest. What is the Path of Ambition in Destiny 2? The Path of Ambition is the mirror of the Path of Resolve, which is the reputation track you start the episode with. Each path has its own reputation meter which youll need to level up separately by doing seasonal activities and Artifact perk enhancements for your Tome of Want. As you level up along the Path of Ambition, youll also unlock new passives that will help you deal with t...
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